

Age:4 months
Color:mostly white

For the perfect balance of spirited spitfire and lap-lounging lovebug, look no fur-ther than lively Lily! If it moves she’ll chase and pounce, and teeth and claws may be employed! While she’s probably not a great fit for children, she has put sparkle back in the lives of her foster home’s resident adult cats who thought they were just ready for the rocking chair! This pink-nosed, classic white and grey tabby seems to know when everyone’s tolerance for her spunky spirit is wearing thin, and she turns on the purrs and gently climbs into a willing lap, bringing her gentle, affectionate vibe with her to sleep and dream! She’s likely to outgrow a lot of her youthful vim and vigor, while the quiet, loving side of her split purrsonality grows. Finding someone who admires her vibrancy, who doesn’t have overly delicate toes and fingers, and will cherish the devotion of a uniquely dynamic girl, will be a dream come true for darlin’ Lily - who’s no shrinking violet! Could that someone be you?

Please note:

  • Lily needs a home with no young children.

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