
Kitten 25894 (Miss Emmy)

Age:15 weeks
Breed:Maine Coon Mix / Dilute Tortoiseshell

This little blue ribbon beauty is Miss Emmie, a perfectly delightful blend of sugar and spice! She’s a doll of a girl who loves to be petted and talked to and takes an interest in whatever you are doing, but she’s also happy to entertain herself with her toys. Zipping through the cat tunnel or up the cat tree and chasing the laser light are favorite activities alone or with her three handsome and lively brothers. This spritely sweetheart is in the middle of all their romps and races, but when they are fast asleep it’s not unusual to find her delightedly batting a ball around the playroom entirely happy in her own little orb! While her nature is very curious and easy-going, she hasn’t been exposed to dogs or kids. A beautiful extra long and silky coat of dilute calico tones and a pretty-as-a-picture girlish face make her a treasure as lovely as she is lovable! Could darling Emmie be the perfect blend of affection, fun, and beauty for you?

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