Sponsor Cat 24778 (Bubble) (ID #24778)

Thank you for generously sponsoring Cat 24778 (Bubble)! The sponsorship rate is $15/month, but you may pledge more if you like. Sponsorship payments may be made monthly, quarterly, or annually. Please complete the form below to begin your sponsorship.

Please note: On occasion we make some of our long-term residents available for adoption. We will, of course, notify you in the event that Cat 24778 (Bubble) is no longer in need of sponsorship.

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I pledge to make sponsorship donations for Cat 24778 (Bubble):

Monthly ($15) Quarterly ($45) Annually ($180)

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If your employer has a matching gift program, you can double the value of your donation! Many large companies will match employee charitable contributions, doubling the value of your donation. All you have to do is send in their form.