Kitten 26438 (Deja) is available for adoption
Maine Coon Mix
5 months old
Deja is a good looking young cat with a gorgeous and unique silver coat of fur. Deja can be a bit shy at first. However, once she gets to know her people and she feels safe in her environment, she will come out of her shell and is quite a lovebug. When she was younger she suffered an injury to her leg and unfortunately it couldn't be saved. Deja manages just fine with her 3 legs. She enjoys affectionate human attention and has a very sweet purr to express his contentment. Deja loves to play with all kinds of cat toys and especially enjoys interactive toys such as wand toys with feathers and chasing the laser pointer dot. She is good with other cats and kittens. She has not been exposed to dogs or children. Deja really enjoys kitty treats - treats can be a good way to bond with this fella. Deja is a sweetheart who just needs a chance to get to know his new people and environment. We feel that he will be well worth the extra effort. Deja will thrive in a quiet, loving, kind and patient home.
Please note:
- Kitten 26438 (Deja) is shown as a Maine Coon Mix based solely on her appearance. We rarely take in purebred animals, so virtually all of them are a mix of several breeds. Do not make an adoption decision based only on our breed designation, especially if you are concerned about allergies.