Bear claw is available for adoption in an offsite foster home

Maine Coon Mix
14 weeks old

My name is two fold, in that I'm sweet like a bearclaw, but also look like a bears claw. I am fluffy and handsome. I like to play with my siblings and get attention from people when I can. I get along fine with dogs and other cats. Give me wet food and treats and you'll be my bestest buddy.

Mother: Mother Dough
Littermates:  Cream Brule, Fritter, Parfait, Pumpkin Muffin

Please note:

  • Bear claw is shown as a Maine Coon Mix based solely on his appearance. We rarely take in purebred animals, so virtually all of them are a mix of several breeds. Do not make an adoption decision based only on our breed designation, especially if you are concerned about allergies.
  • Bear claw is ok with dogs