Tummy has been adopted!

Orange and white

The softest tummy in town belongs to irresistible Tummy (TumTum)! He flops right over to have it gently rubbed as often as possible and hopes hugs and snuggles are part of the package! His stray mama brought him and his four siblings to the patio of an expert foster mom where his lovebug nature has made him a favorite. He has the happiest spirit whether he’s romping and racing with his darling sibs, rubbing his velvety head across someone’s bare feet, or comically careening his way to the kitchen when he’s called to dinner! He’s also been very good with small children. He’s a creamsicle sweetheart in his beautiful, dense coat of tawny orange and vanilla white and has the biggest, lovingest eyes that quickly melt the hearts of those around him! This perfect little treasure named Tummy is sure be a true gift in a forever family that adores him. He hopes you choose him.

Littermates:  Coco, Henry, Honey Bun, Shiloh