Bubba has been adopted!

Siamese Mix
Seal pt. / snowshoe

Say hello to sweet, and loveable Bubba he is a Seal point Siamese coloring with white tipped feet and piercing blue eyes.

This little guy is very affectionate and sweet. While he’s playing, he checks back often to make sure you’re watching and to get some love.  Bubba is the more active, outgoing, adventurous of the two brothers. Loves attention and visiting everyone that enters his domain, both people and animals.  He is still young and a bit cautious, staying close to “home” (kennel/room he’s used to). But it doesn’t take long and he’s off exploring.

Bubba loves his breakfast and is not interested in talking to you until you have brought it to him. He enjoys climbing toys and playing in boxes, as well as anything with a bell in it.

He has not been around dogs or children so his reaction is unknown, however he has been with his brother so he loves him unsure about other cats.

This little guy could be the perfect addition to your family, and if you have room he would love his brother to come with him... two are easier than one!

Littermate:  Cubby