Fancy Girl has been adopted!

Siamese Mix
Seal pt

This girl is named for her personality....she is Fancy, she is beautiful and she knows it. She loves to be brushed, and pampered like the Fancy girl she is. She also knows her name so well she will follow you everywhere if you call her.

Fancy Girl loves running and playing with her sisters, and would love one of them to join her in a forever home if possible.

She is all the sass and class with her stunning soft tan coat, precious Siamese markings, and bright blue eyes filled with compassion and love for her forever human. Her favorite toy is the tunnel that her foster mom got her and her sisters so she can run in it and pounce on them as a surprise. She also loves to sleep in your arms when she is tuckered out from the day of play and held like a baby. Fancy also loves her fresh water fountain, and using her Liter Robot at her foster home.

Fancy has been exposed to two small older dogs, and adult cats and did great. She has not been exposed to children as of yet.

If you and your family are ready to get Fancy then she is ready to show you love and sass!

Littermates:  Angel Girl, Tinkerbell